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A wide ranging of articles from takeoffs, recipes, uploading plans, scaling, and much more
Estimating FAQs
Can I export data from my Estimates or Job costings?
How do I share an estimate to another Buildxact account?
How do I get started with categories and items in Estimates?
Reorder Estimate Items and Estimate Categories
Can I move estimate items between cost categories?
How do I handle framing in Buildxact?
How do I open an accepted Estimate once it becomes a Job?
Can I upload/import estimates to Buildxact from Excel?
How do I upload documents and images to Buildxact?
How do I delete items in bulk?
Printing/emailing a bill of quantities
How do I use the Estimate Schedule tool in Buildxact?
How do I upload plans into Buildxact?
How to do footings
How do I do basic cut and fill (earthworks) in Buildxact?
How do I upload a protected/locked PDF to Buildxact?
Can I rename my uploaded plans?
How do I scale plans in Buildxact?
How do I organize my plans?
How do I print/export takeoffs & plans?
How do I remove a linked measurement from an Estimate Item?
What is the takeoff Toolbar?
How do I change the takeoff colors?
How to measure raked walls in m2
Takeoff measurement for m³
How do I use the m² tool to do a takeoff for wall cladding?
How do I use the m² tool to do a takeoff for plasterboard?
How do I take off m2 for Roofing?
Vertical M2 takeoffs
How do I scale plans that have no dimensions?
Can I measure cubic feet/yards with inches as the depth?
Can I do a takeoff in cubic feet (cf) or cubic yards (cy)?
Can I select and count individual items on my plans in Buildxact?
How do I complete takeoffs in Buildxact using square feet (SF)?
How do I complete a basic takeoff using lineal feet (LF) in Buidxact?
How do I check the accuracy of the scale and measurements in my plans?
Using the Buildxact Takeoff Tool
Cut list measuring and ordering
PC/PS/Allowance items and Redistribution
Seeing the breakdown of tax and markup on an item
How does Buildxact calculate its costs?
Can I reuse measurements in my estimate?
How do I get started with Estimate Costings in Buildxact?
How do I use live pricing in my estimates?
How do I use the Buildxact AI calculator tool in my estimates? (Aus users)
How do I use the Buildxact AI tool in my estimate costings? (North American users)
Connecting and using The Home Depot Optimal Pro Experience in Buildxact
Assembly / Recipe rounding
Advanced Buildxact Assemblies (Imperial)
Advanced Buildxact Recipes (Metric)
Creating and Loading Assemblies/Recipes
Can I split assemblies/recipes into multiple cost categories?
How to Convert Category Items to Recipes via Excel
How do I use Recipes in Buildxact?
How do I use Assemblies in Buildxact?
How do I link a catalog item to an estimate?
Why am I seeing a price updates alert in my estimate or template?
How do I use the pricing assistant in Buildxact to estimate costs?
How do I import price/item catalogs from Excel?
Can I export an item catalog and/or an assembly/recipe catalog to Excel?
Updating catalogs and the consequent updates throughout your account
How to remove duplicates from your Excel price file
What does it mean to 'relink' catalog items in Buildxact?
Adding Item Codes to Catalog items
How do I hide the Buildxact Pricelists/Catalogs?
Managing linked catalog items
How do I add an item from estimate costings to a catalog?
Request for Quote (RFQ) from Estimates
How to quote request an entire estimate
Extending a request for quote deadline
Request For Quotes - Reminders and status meanings (RFQ)
Can I include recipes/assemblies in my Request for Quotes (RFQs)?
Updating a quote request on behalf of the trade/supplier
Adding and removing items to/from a draft RFQ
Why are there additional items within my Quote Requests (RFQs)?
Replying to a RFQ (Request for Quote) through Buildxact
How do I create a quote letter from my estimate and share it with my client?
How do I create a quote letter in Buildxact?
Can I customize my quote letter layout?
How to use digital acceptance when sharing quotes
Advanced editing in the customizable quote letter layout
Customizable Quote Letter Commands Cheat Sheet
Custom Templates - how do you show Specification images inline with description?
Custom Templates - Specification Layout to show text when there isn't an image
Can I upload and edit images in my customizable quote layouts?
Check the size of an image to use in your quote letter
How to handle optional extras
Can I pin my specification images to the top of my custom templates?
Can I customize my quote letter layout in Buildxact?
How do I create a condensed quote using a customized layout?
Custom Templates - Showing the quote summary as a single line total
How do I use the Branded Layout quote letter template in Buildxact?
Create an estimate from a job
How to subscribe to estimate templates provided by your suppliers/dealers
How do I copy and save categories and items from an estimate to a new estimate template?
How to save a Quote layout for reuse
How do I add an existing category from a template to a new estimate?
Preset / Template Guide Master List
How to delete a quote layout you no longer need
How do I set a default estimate template in Buildxact?
How do I create an estimate and estimate template in Buildxact?
Copying an estimate or template