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How do I create and use Specifications in Buildxact?
How do I create and use Specifications in Buildxact?

Learn how to create and use specifications in Buildxact

Kalya Ryan avatar
Written by Kalya Ryan
Updated over 11 months ago

The following video will show you how to generate specifications from the Estimate Costings tab, how to edit these specifications, how to add images, and how to create exclusions.

Please note that specifications are distinct from selections. To understand the role of selections in Buildxact, see:

Video: How to use specifications for North American customers

Video: How to use specifications for Australian and New Zealand customers

Step-by-step instructions on how to add specifications in Buildxact

There are a couple of ways to get specifications into Buildxact: manually from the estimate costings and by setting up a pre-set.

Manual entry

  1. Select the Estimate you want specifications for and click on Estimate Costings.

  2. Select the category or click the green Add button to add a new Category.

Note: The Add button provides a drop-down menu with three options for adding categories and items.

4. Enter the category name.

5. To add a new item to this category, click the green '+' button.

6. Enter the item name/description.

7. Click on 'S' (specifications) from the boxes to the right of the item description. These items will now populate in the Specifications tab, where you can also add images and notes.

8. Click 'Save'.

To delete the item or category from Specifications click on the delete bin.

9. To edit details within the item, click the edit pencil

Creating a preset

Creating a preset allows you to re-use the Specifications on any future estimates. This is useful if you have standard list of Inclusions and Exclusions.

1. Click on Presets on the Specifications screen
2. 'Save as preset'

3. In the pop-up form that appears, name your preset.

4. Click Save.

​Note: You can save multiple presets. Once applied, they can then be edited for specific projects without changing the original preset. The introduction section has no character limit and specification items are limited to 1000 characters.

Can I change the order of specifications in Buildxact?

By default, the order of the specification is based on the order in which you click the "S" button within an estimate.

Like many areas of Buildxact the order can be changed by grabbing the dots on the left and dragging to re-order

If you want to reset the order back to that of the estimate you can select the 'Match costings order' button shown below.

Note: categories which have been manually added will not be affected by resetting the order

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