To begin adding items or assemblies to your estimate costings from The Home Depot (THD) using the AI costings tool, follow these steps:
Navigate to Estimates in the left-hand menu.
Select your estimate and click on the Estimate Costings tab.
Select the category that you're looking to cost. Click on the Add with AI button.
This will bring up the following AI component which includes a few key functions.
Type a description of your requirements. The text boxes under Suggestions are examples of possible options to use as your description.
Enter your measurement. This can be imported from your takeoff by clicking the takeoff button and can also be calculated using the calculator button if needed.
Choose your unit of measurement (UOM) from the drop-down box.
Click Generate items.
It generally takes approximately 30 seconds for AI to source the information from The Home Depot. The following pop-up will keep you informed of the progress and allow you to stop generating if needed.
When the upload is complete you will see a list of your AI generated items.
This shows that the items are from The Home Depot catalog and includes a description of the item, the type, quantity, UOM, unit cost and total price.
You will also see a list of assumptions made by the AI generator in order to calculate the items. Please note that it's important for you to do your due diligence on the cost of these items and that the 'each' quantities are correct in relation to the UOM to ensure accuracy.
You can choose to add these items to your estimate costings as single line items by clicking Add, or as an assembly/recipe by clicking Add as assembly/recipe, where the items will appear under a single line item in your estimate costings.
Once you've clicked add, your items will immediately appear within your estimate costings. You can see that these items are linked to The Home Depot.
Can I change or replace an item once I've imported catalog items into my estimate costings?
To remove or replace an item, click on The Home Depot icon and a pop-up screen will appear, you can select to either Remove link to item or Replace item.
If you choose Replace item, you will see a pop-up menu that gives you a list of alternative items. Select the item you would like to use a replacement.
You will see the following box warning you that you're about the replace an existing item in your estimate costings. If you're sure you want to proceed with the replacement, click Confirm.
For any further assistance please get in touch with our Customer Support team by clicking on the orange chat button to the bottom right of your screen.