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What should I include under Estimate details?
What should I include under Estimate details?

See what information you can save/set up in Details tab before you begin putting together your project

Matt Govett avatar
Written by Matt Govett
Updated today

The details tab (found in both the estimates and job section) is used to store information about the estimate/job, most of which will be reused somewhere else in the process. 

The following video details how to begin an estimate in Buildxact in the most efficient way. Enter information such as customer details, work location and upload documents.

These step-by-step instructions show you how to complete each section of the estimate details tab.

  1. Estimate details field

  2. Use the blue edit pencil to update the details

  3. If you have your own quote numbering convention, you can amend this

  4. Give the project a description. Click the orange tick to save the changes

  5. This is the tax setting for the estimate, if you're in Australia/New Zealand it's unlikely you'll need to change this

6. The Work Location field
7. Use the blue edit pencil to update the details - doing this will ensure all your materials and your contractors go to the correct site.
8. Type the site address into Google maps and click the orange tick to save the changes
Note: if Google doesn't recognize the address (e.g. a new subdivision), you can still enter the address and ignore Googles recommendations. 

9. The Customer Details field
10. Use the blue edit pencil to update the details - doing this will ensure all your customer correspondence goes to the correct email or address e.g. quotes, invoices etc
11. Type in the Customer name, address, email and phone number and click the orange tick to save the changes.

12. The Documents field
13. Click "Drop documents here or click to upload" and choose the document/s from your files
14. It is recommended to create categories to upload your documents into.
15. Click ''Upload file''

16. The documents will now appear under the headings chosen
17. Documents in here are for viewing only, any changes made to uploaded documents will not save.

18. Notes field
19. Type a note in the field
20. Click the orange tick to save
21. The note will be date and time stamped with the logged in user's details. This will allow you keep a running record of any notes relevant to this project.

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