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How to instantly get customer specific pricing in your estimate using your Epicor integration
How to instantly get customer specific pricing in your estimate using your Epicor integration

Get customer specific pricing for your estimates and RFQs using Epicor integration

Matt Govett avatar
Written by Matt Govett
Updated over 2 years ago

Audience: Supplier/Dealer

Read time: 5 min

Article contents: Screenshots and a walkthrough of our new integration with Epicor BisTrack for customer specific pricing.

You can now get customer specific pricing instantly for your estimates and RFQs, this way you can ensure the most accurate pricing is being sent to your customer.

Note: You need to first be connected with Epicor BisTrack through your integration menu in Buildxact. See below guide.

How to get customer specific pricing

  1. To access customer specific pricing open the estimate or RFQ in Buildxact and go to the Estimate Costings tab.

  2. You can choose to either select all items using the select all checkbox at the top of the estimate costings table (a) or can go into each category and choose individual line items by checking the boxes to the left of the name of the item (b).

  3. Once you have selected all the items you wish to get customer specific pricing on you will click a green Get Customer Specific Pricing button at the bottom center of your screen.

  4. In the pop out menu enter the individual you are quoting Customer Code. Entering a Branch Code is optional and can be used if stores have promotional offers. Click the green Submit button at the bottom of the pop out menu.

  5. The next screen will show your customer specific pricing and allow you update item/s pricing. Click the green Update button to update the pricing.

  6. A pop up confirming your estimate will be updated will show in the center of the screen. Click the orange Confirm button and your estimate now has customer specific pricing.

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