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MYOB Sync Issues

List of known MYOB/Buildxact sync issues

Matt Govett avatar
Written by Matt Govett
Updated over a year ago

If you're having issues with items not syncing to MYOB, here's how you find out what may be going wrong.

  • Go to your Integrations by clicking Integrations in the left-hand menu.

  • Then click 'View Log'

This will show your previous sync's log. The following examples are the kinds of messages you might see.

Supplier/Contact Sample Supplier Contact does not have an ABN set.
Message: Card_InvalidABN
Details: Number:(ABNVO)

This message appears if your contact doesn't have an ABN set.
You need to open the contact and set a business number for them.
Once you've set an ABN your sync will be able to progress.

Sending data to MYOB had the following errors.
Name: ValidationError
Message: BusinessEvent_DateOccurred_InLockPeriod (or BeforeConversionMonth or BeforeFinancialYear)

This message occurs because you have a lock date or lock-in period set in your MYOB account. Buildxact can't create documents prior to this lock out period.
To resolve this issue, remove the lock-in date in your MYOB account, or you can also alter the purchase order invoice date to be part of an NON locked period.

Sending data to MYOB had the following errors.
Name: StringLengthExceeded
Message: Maximum allowed characters for Name is 30

MYOB only allows for a maximum of 30 characters in a customer/contact name. You will need to ensure that the customer name that is part of the job is no longer than 30 characters.

Sending data to MYOB had the following errors.
Name: StringLengthExceeded
Message: Maximum allowed characters for CompanyName is 50

MYOB only allows for Companies to be created with a maximum of 50 characters. If your contact in Buildxact has a company name with more than 50 characters, you will need to re-work the name to be less than 50.

Sending data to MYOB had the following errors.
Name: ValidationError
Message: CommonRules_StringRequired

This message occurs because Buildxact is trying to create a customer in MYOB for your Job. You will need to open up the Job that the Purchase Order belongs to, and then navigate to the contact.

You then have two options:

​OPTION 1 - Change the contact to a business contact
1. You will find that your contact has a single name, eg 'Daryl'.

2. Select the Contact Type drop down.

3. Select the 'Business' option.

OPTION 2 - Add a surname to the contact
1. Your contact may have only been given a single name, eg 'Daryl'. Click on the blue edit pencil.

2. Add a surname to the contact.

Encountered a problem with supplier invoice ##/PO. Failed to GetData in MYOB.Api for query generalledger/account/?$filter=DisplayID eq '#-###'

Seeing an error such as this will typically mean that there is an issue talking to MYOB during the sync. Waiting a few minutes and trying again will generally work and allow the sync to progress.

Encountered a problem with supplier invoice J####/P####/####. Sending data to MYOB had the following errors. Name: Required
Message: TaxCode is required
Details: SellingDetails.TaxCode.UID
Severity: Error
Name: Required
Message: FreightTaxCode is required
Details: SellingDetails.FreightTaxCode.UID
Severity: Error

This kind of error is specific to MYOB New Zealand and refers to the tax rate setup, there are a few steps to fixing this one, click the button below for the full article.

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