One thing you may want to do is produce the highlighted takeoff drawings to give to someone. Note that as part of the request for quote tool there is an option to do this also, whereas this article is more about just exporting/printing them.
To do this simply follow the steps below or go though the video:
Open the plans and takeoffs tab
Click the cog on the right hand side
Click print
βNOTE: the email button works the same but results in the email going direct to someone instead of exporting the final printoutChoose takeoff drawings to ensure the export has the takeoffs
Choose which takeoffs you want to display
βNOTE: they will overlay so too many can make reading hardChoose whether you want the labels to show, for detailed takeoffs we suggest turning them off as they can make the takeoff hard to read
Continue to choose what format you want to print/export in.
We also have a video explaining the same steps in more detail