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What are 'User Access Controls'?

This guide outlines information about the roles and permissions for Buildxact users

Matt Govett avatar
Written by Matt Govett
Updated over 10 months ago

Audience: Builder

Read time: 3 min

Article contents: Contains information and links to full excel file breakdowns for each user role within a Buildxact account.

User Access Controls restrict what users can see and do within Buildxact. For example, you may want your supervisor to have access to areas to do with running the job, like scheduling/purchasing, but not have access to the estimating section.


Which Buildxact plan has User Access Controls?

A basic version is available on the Pro plan, where it includes the Owner, Administrator and Supervisor roles ONLY (see the Access Levels/Roles section below). Setting these roles is done via the users' screen (see the How to Change User Access section below).

The full version of user access is available on the Teams plan, which contains ALL access levels/features discussed in this article.

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The Access Levels/Roles

There are eight (8) predefined roles with varying degrees of access.

See the list below for the role names and their level of access or click the button below to download the complete breakdown of exactly what each role can do.


  • Any user can be assigned to multiple roles.

  • The "Financial" role is essentially an on/off switch used to show/hide gross profit for users. For example, a user could be "Accounts" and "Financial".

How to change user access

Note: Only the OWNER can change user access roles.

  1. Click on "My Business"ย 

  2. Click on "Users"

  3. Click the green "+" button to add a new user

4. In the pop up add the new user's details
5. Click the "Assign Roles" radio button
6. Choose which areas the user can access (multiple can be chosen)


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