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The Buildxact Dashboard

Learn about your global dashboard and how it helps you keep your business on track.

Kalya Ryan avatar
Written by Kalya Ryan
Updated over 3 months ago

Audience: Builder/Trade

Read time: 5 min

Article contents: Overview of the Buildxact Dashboard

When you log in to Buildxact you will always land on your global Dashboard. Your dashboard shows the following:

Estimate snapshot

A quick overview of your recent estimates. Quickly see the status of your recent estimates, including the amount allocated, the contact name and a useful insight into the percentage of estimates won and the average value of your winning estimates.


The reminders section lets you see your active reminders and add new reminders as needed.

  1. Set a new reminder by clicking the New Reminder button.

  2. Snap back to today's date from anywhere in the calendar.

  3. View your reminders in list view.

  4. View your reminders by day, week or Month.

  5. The Settings menu lets you display all reminders, or just the ones that haven't been sent out.

Recent Items

6. In recent items, view a list of estimates and jobs you've recently worked on. Click the link to be taken into any of your recent items straight from the dashboard.

Job Schedule

The dashboard schedule shows all of your Jobs and provides you with a quick view of your global tasks.

The following functionality exists in your dashboard schedule:

  1. Filter the schedule by toggling between Job and Assignee to show your tasks listed by their Job or by their resource/assignee. You can use this feature to quickly see what jobs you have running or how busy your resources are in a given time period.

  2. Filter your schedule to view by multiple assignees.

  3. The Today button returns you to the current date.

  4. Select a date range to view your scheduled tasks.

  5. Print your schedule as a PDF or image file.

Edit category

6. These categories are pulled from your active jobs. Click on the category to open up an edit form. If the category has no tasks within (shown by the small drop-down arrow to the left of the category name), click on the category row within the schedule.

7. The edit form shows the dates and duration of the task. These can only be changed from within the job itself.

8. Assign a contact.

9. Mark percentage complete.

10. Set any reminders necessary

11. Include reminder messages if necessary.

12. Save your changes.

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