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How to add your clients into Buildxact

Add an individual client or bulk import your clients into Buildxact for Suppliers and Dealers

Matt Govett avatar
Written by Matt Govett
Updated over a week ago

Audience - Suppliers, Dealers

Read time - 5 mins

Article contents - Steps to adding client in Buildxact

There are two options for adding your clients (customers) into Buildxact. Select the Create New (green button) to add new clients one entry at a time, or use the More Actions pull down menu to Import from Excel a list of existing clients.

Bulk importing is a fast and efficient way to get your customers into Buildxact. Use our template to prepare your import.

To bulk import your clients from an excel spreadsheet:

  1. In the left-hand navigation menu click on Clients.

  2. In the pop out sub menu click Clients again.

  3. Click the More actions button to see a pick list. Select Import from Excel.

  4. A pop out menu will appear to the left. Click the browse button the find the excel spreadsheet on you computer. Once you have found the contact list spreadsheet double click to upload into Buildxact.

  5. Once your list is uploaded you will be asked to map the records (match up fields). This process guides you through each record field and asks you to assign which field from the pulldown menu (on the right) you want to assign (map/match up) each field. This ensures data accuracy. Once you have checked the information matches up correctly scroll to the bottom and click the blue Next button.

  6. Bulk select or individually select the rows of client details you will to import and click the blue Import # Customer button.

  7. Your customers are now imported into Buildxact and will show in the clients section.

From the Client tab, there are a number of things you can do right away:

  • Set up individual contacts for this client i.e. Job Superintendent, Purchasing Officer.

  • Add any relevant documents and notes relating to your client.

  • Add a lead when you know a client has a project coming up and you want to reach out to them to secure the materials order.

  • Begin an estimate for your client.

  • Send a Text.

  • Send an Email.

  • Set reminders for yourself to follow up.

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