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How does the Buildxact and Rendr integration work?
How does the Buildxact and Rendr integration work?

Learn how to integrate with Rendr and use their LiDAR scanning technology to create an estimate in Buildxact

Kalya Ryan avatar
Written by Kalya Ryan
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Rendr's scanning technology makes it easy to capture essential project measurements without needing existing floorplans. You can then export these measurements, along with notes and photos, directly into Buildxact to create detailed estimates.

Follow these simple steps to integrate Rendr with Buildxact and use Rendr's scanning technology to populate your estimate:

  1. Open Rendr and go to the Integrations page.

  2. Find the Buildxact tile.

  3. Click Connect to Buildxact.

4. Enter your Buildxact log in details to connect.

5. Click Accept to authorize the connection.

6. Once connected, the Buildxact tile in Rendr will indicate the integration is active.

7. To view your scanned areas in Rendr, click Spaces in the left-hand menu.

8. Select the space you want to create an estimate for.

9. Rendr will open the scanned area, showing the floorplan and measurements. Click Buildxact Estimate to transfer these details into Buildxact.

10. In Buildxact, the measurements from Rendr will appear under Estimates > Plans & Takeoffs. You can use them to build out your estimate costings.

11. To use your Rendr measurements in your Estimate Costings, click on the Estimate Costings tab.

12. Select a relevant category and click on the calculator button.

13. Select the measurement and click on the green '=' (equals) symbol. The measurement will now appear in your estimate costings line item.

To access any notes and/or photos that have been imported from Rendr, navigate to Estimate Details and scroll down.

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